Take out Pat Robertson!
That paragon of right-wing "Christianity," Pat Robertson, has done it again.
Known in the past for calling natural disasters God's wrath against homosexuals and for not believing that the Separation of Church and State is in The Constitution, ignoring the The First Amendment ("Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion").
Now, he's recommending we assissinate the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, because the buffoon is anti-American. Don't believe me, read this!
Chavez's sin is that of being a paranoid left-leaning tin-pot populist sitting on a lot of oil.
Now, the U.S. having already attempted to assassinate Fidel Castro in Cuba and having killed and removed one popular leftist leader in Chile (Salvador Allende in Chile, 1973) by supporting a right-wing coup, Chavez's paranoia cannot be regarded as wholly unfounded.
However, as far as his oil goes, what can he do? If he raises the price, we won't buy it. If he lowers the price...well, why would he do that? As far as influencing those in the Middle East from whom we buy oil, his influence has to be nil. They are almost all undemocratic kingdoms with a vested interest in the status quo!
We've lived with Castro at our doorstep all these years, even maintining Guantanamo Air Base on his island. I think we'll survive a few more years of Hugo Chavez.
The one who really needs to go is Pat Robertson, although I'm certainly not recommending assassination. Religious re-education sounds like a much better approach.
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