Monday, May 02, 2005

I've had it with feminist idiots!

Okay, not all feminists, but most of them. The ones from the mainstream to the "feminazi" far right (or left, depending on how you categorize people who want to limit your rights and control the way you think, feel, and act).

There are good feminists like Camille Paglia (required reading for any anti-bullshitist) and Christina Hoff Sommers, but most of them are just whiners.

Sure, women deserve a better lot, but 100% equality? That depends upon how you define equality. I believe in equal pay for equal work, but "equal work" means that your attendance is as good as the male's, you stay with the company as long as the male, you're just as willing to travel as the male, you take no more health-related time off, you take no more frequent smoke breaks, you don't have to take time off to shuttle the kids here and there, etc., etc., etc.

The trouble is, as any manager will tell you (including female managers who aren't in denial) that because so many women don't stack up in the above-mentioned respects (and others) they can't make as much as men and for the forseeable future will skew the statistics in favor of men.

I suppose, speaking as a male, my biggest complaint about women is the way they whine about things instead of doing things about their problems. They have many valid complaints, but do they get to work making substantial changes? No, rather they whine about it. Now, it is, as they say, "a man's world," but men don't respect whining. We regard it as childish.

It's also ironic that among a group that blabbers on and on about being treated like children in a paternalistic society and in paternalistic institutions like corporations, they usual advice when some pathetic Joe hits on them in the Xerox room is to run to the HR office and file a sexual harassment complaint. Maybe the HR department is maternalistic rather than paternalistic, but paternalistic or maternalistic, it still means you want to be a child. By contrast, a good feminist like Camille Paglia would recommend either kicking the guy hard in the nuts or embarrassing him in front of his peers.

The capacity for women infected with feminism to complain about things which will never change (because they're hardwired into the male psyche) is just plain weird. I mean, do we really want men who think like women? because that is what it would take: men who are just as "nurturing" as women is one example. There is no doubt that, on the whole, women are gentler than men with children, but I'm not sure it's true that children would benefit by having two parents both of whom act like mothers. It's been said that the male and female parental roles complement each other, with the mother making sure the child is sustained during the maturation process and the male teaching them the skills they need to succeed in the wider world.


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