This is not your typical cell phone rant!
I've grown used to people complaining about cell phone rudeness. People whose phones go off during concerts, plays, or movies, for example. And the way people yell at their cell phones as if they don't realize that their cell phone can amplify their voice and is probably actively reducing the volume if they speak too loudly.
No, my complaint is against many of the complainers who don't seem to realize what a boon to life it is to be able to be contacted away from home, not to have to run home or to a pay phone to ask someone "What was it again you wanted me to bring for the salad?" or "Where are you? I've been waiting for a half hour!"
I find that many of the cell phone complainers are the same die-hards who still don't have a computer and never watch television, as though having a computer or a TV automatically means that you're wasting your life searching for Internet porn or watching Judge Judy reruns.
Yes, people misuse cell phones and are sometimes unconscionably rude, but overall life is better with a cell phone and those of you complain shouldn't complain until you have one and see how much easier it can make your life.
I recently went wireless. I gave up my land line and now the only way to reach my telephonically is by cell phone. That's about $45-$50/mo I can now spend on something else, and it easily pays for my Internet connection and cable bills combined.
Now, the next thing will be to find a cheaper way to get broadband and TV!
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