Paris Hilton, I love you
I don't understand why everyone hates Paris Hilton. I think there is a lot of idle bullshit about her and things she can't help. She can't help being rich, for one thing, which is why a lot of people don't like her, I'm sure.
Surely people don't hate her because of the famed "sex video." You might pity her for being less than a superstar in bed, but hate her for it, why? I think that under the circumstances, she has maintained an admirable degree of poise.
Has she exploited her wealth, fame, and infamy? Of course she has, and so would you. Don't lie to yourself.
What I find most disingenuous (especially when uttered by a male) is the idea that she's "not very good looking." Who are you trying to kid? Most guys would crawl across a mile of red-hot broken test tubes for the privilege of sucking shit out of her ass.
A group of prudish whiners is objecting to her Carls Jr. ad where (if I remember correctly) she washes a car and eats a Carls Jr. burger while wearing a black bikini. Yes, of course it's "soft porn." So what? It's very soft porn, and at least she isn't sticking the hose up into her cunt or laying on her back stuffing the burger up her butt as might be the case in the real world of pornography..
She's pretty, she's smart enough to take advantage of people who are fascinated with her and more power to her.
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