Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Common sense regarding ethnic "profiling"

I'm a libertarian kind of guy, so I'm opposed to racism in any guise, but I can't agree with racial and ethnic minorities who object to profiling per se. This doesn't mean I agree with all profiling, but I do think that sometimes it has to be done.

Since terrorism by Middle Eastern Islamic extremists seems to be the biggest threat right now, it only makes sense to treat it that way.

Liberals will argue that there's nothing stopping the terrorists from using little old ladies or men of white European heritage to carry out their missions. One has to note that (a) this hasn't happened yet and (b) these terrorists do it for religious reasons so that dying in the act seems to be one of the major motives for doing it in the first place.

When little old ladies and European-looking businessmen start blowing themselves up or diverting airliners into skyscrapers, it will be time to profile them, but until then profiling the young, middle-eastern-looking male seems to be the rational thing to do, even though it has an unsavory "feel" to it.

Stopping or thwarting terrorism is a top priority and the resources which can be applied to it are limited, so until resources are unlimited and everyone can be profiled (if that's what we would really want to do!) or unless we don't want to profile anyone and just roll the dice, I'm afraid that racial/ethnic profiling makes a lot of sense.

Now, stopping cars based on the fact that an African-American male is driving a beamer (the offense referred to as "driving while black") does not make sense and does intrude into the rights of law-abiding black folk in an unreasonable way. That is the sort of profiling we should worry about.


At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you remember the shoe bomber Richard Reid, Timothy McVeigh, "Unabomber" Ted Kaczynski. They were all whites. Moreover, in Isreal, there was a spate of suicide bombing by women terrorists, who were able to do it becuase they did not fit the profile of typical Palestinean suicide bombers.

At 11:39 AM, Blogger NudePhotoGuy said...

And your point is? It sounds like you're offering the looney opinion that because profiling might fail now and then, it should never be used at all.

Well, nothing much in this world works 100% of the time. By your logic, since the police sometimes don't catch criminals, we shouldn't have police and should just lay back and let crime run rampant.

You think like a teenager, which probably explains why you wanted to remain anonymous.

Get back into your basketweaving course and SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR SILLY-ASS BULLSHIT!

People like you are part of the problem not part of the solution.


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