Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The runaway bride and the ball-less wonder

Jennifer Wilbanks has succeeded in becoming the poster child for fucked up women everywhere. Put aside for a moment her crazy eyes, and what does this story get you thinking about?

She's obviously a mentally deranged, narcissistic attention slut, but what's worse is the reaction of John Mason, her fiance, who reportedly still wants to marry her!

What is masculinity coming to in America that when a man's fiancee takes a Greyhound most of the way across the country and fakes a kidnapping to avoid marrying him, he doesn't take her off his Christmas card list?

But...NO!!! He still wants to marry her. I mean, on the one hand he seems pathologically wimpy. On the other hand, he sounds like stalker material as the guy whose self esteem (perhaps deservedly) is so low that he won't take what I would call a fairly strong hint that perhaps she has mixed feelings at best about him. It's as if he's saying (as any good stalker would), "She really loves me, or will once she realizes what a great person I am and how unconditional my love is for her."

Wouldn't a no-bullshit guy say, "Jenn, you have embarrassed me deeply, and not just in private, in front of the whole world. I'm sorry, but you're gone and gone for good. There's no way in hell I'll ever marry you. In fact, I am going to have to sit down and figure out how I could have been so fucking blind!"

People are already offering excuses for her, but I'm not buying. Anyone who can hop on a bus and fabricate a kidnapping can work up the gumption to call off a wedding.

Unless of course you're a pathological dope, which Jennifer Wilbanks most definitely is.


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