Mexican stamp offends blacks? I wonder why?
What do you think?
Mexico has a little growing up to do, I guess. We went through the Little Black Sambo phase in the 50's and 60's, and have expunged many of the most offensive images of blacks from the past. Poor ole Sambo is pretty hard to find north of the border anymore.
While objecting to offensive black images from the past, it seems elements in the black community aren't loathe to generate new ones, such as kids with baseball caps worn in various akilter ways and oversize pants down around their ass. This sort of image hardly tells the world "We can be brain surgeons, rocket scientists, and even The President someday."
We probably have shifted our stereotyping in the US from blacks to hispanics, since it seems most of the crooks, hoods, killers, and gang members on TV and in the movies are cast as Mexican-Americans.
But don't think stereotyping is limited to the downtrodden: In the staple evening sitcoms, white males are almost always depicted as halfwitted boy-men who are clueless when it comes to understanding their wives and children, and who are always making stupid decisions that others have to pick up after. Sadly, this phenomenon dates back to at least The Honeymooners show of the 1950's.