My Hillary Clinton rant
I wish people would stop speculating whether Hillary Clinton will run for President, or will consider running for President.
I'm a registered Democrat even though I'm a libertarian at heart, and a Hillary run for the Presidency would be just one more disaster for a Democratic Party which seems to have lost its political bearings.
During the last election's nomination process, it became clear that the Dems had no one the general public could take seriously enough to make President. President Bush got reelected despite being unpopular on the Iraq War issue and despite an economy that was in the proverbial shithole at the time.
Things are no better today, and while Hillary is a prominent Democrat often talked about as a potential presidential candidate, she really is not viable and if she ran, the Dems would lose by an even bigger margin than last time, unless, of course, the economy is in a deep depression or if the Republicans were to fuck up bigtime in some other major way. Unfortunately, the Republicans seem to be better managers of their public perception than the Democrats, thanks probably to Carl Rove, so barring Carl Rove slipping on a banana peel and hitting his head on the curb, things look dim for the next Presidential election as well.
The fact is, men almost universally dislike Hillary. They totally understand why, with a harpy like her, a man might want to fool around with a warmer body like Miss Monica Lewinsky. (BTW, where's she been lately?) Hillary clearly is supported by a certain feministic slice of the female voter pie, but she is reviled by innumerable stay-at-home housewives and moms, who will never forget her "cookie baker" comment which seemed to imply a disdain for women who don't want to work in the worlds of business or politics, and would rather be that someone who is waiting at home for the kids after school.
Hillary's views on kids are scatterbrained. While on the one hand, she mouths the concept that "It takes a village to raise a child," she quite contradictorily takes stands that take away the ability of parents and schools to be involved in and control the lives of young people. Parental notifications of abortions come to mind along with Hillary's support for giving children increased rights vs. their parents. When I was a kid, if a man walked into a bathroom and found a boy writing on the wall (to take an example), not only might the kid get his ears boxed, but the kid's parents might have thanked him for acting in loco parentis. Imagine that happening today! Today, when kids misbehave or cause trouble with a school, 9 times out of 10 the kids are backed up by complicit parents.
Between the 75%-80% of men who wouldn't vote for Hillary if their lives depended on it, and the huge percentage of women who she slighted with the cookie baker comment, she stands no chance whatsoever of ever becoming President of these United States, and if the Democrat leadership has the welfare of the party in mind, they'll take her aside and tell her so.